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What Do Your Services Cost?

buisness mindset finding a bookkeeper unpopular opinion Dec 17, 2024
QuickBooks Online Certified Bookkkeeping Rates

This is what you go to websites for. This is the first question you ask after a presentation. So why are you hiding it from your potential clients/customers?

Why are you making them do a "free discovery call" with you first?

Nothing we do now is really a secret. And while the cost of something is a factor for someone choosing you, it is not the main reason.

You know what is the main reason of why people decide to work with you or buy from you?

The trust you have built with whomever recommended you. The credibility and reputation you have built. You. You are the main reason someone will work with you.

When you hide your prices, you lose trust. You lose credibility. You frustrate the very people who are wanting to work with you.

When you show your prices, you build trust. You provide clarity and transparency.

With that said, here are My CFO bookkeeping prices. I am very transparent about what it costs to work with me and my team. There are no discounts. There are no sales. There are price increases for add-ons for each tier. For the most part though, you know what My CFO services costs:

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